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Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

Biblical womanhood

What is it? How does the Bible explain the role of a woman? How are we as women supposed to be? What is our role in God's kingdom? 

Little cup of blessing is a place where you as a christian woman hopefully can get all of these questions answered.

Little cup of blessings

Here on this page you can find different topics for things concerning motherhood, biblical femininity and much more. The main subjects are listed here

Biblical womanhood

woman's working field, character of a christian woman and much more



mothers place as just that but also being a wife, leading the children and more


I love to share recipes and tips in the homemaking area 

Image by Anton Luzhkovsky

In today's society...

... being feminine has become almost a shame and something that is not so honorable anymore. A woman who decides to stay in the home is many times seen as a slave or a prisoner to her own home or husband. The Bible talk a lot about being under submission but in a beautiful way, the exact opposite of the feministic agenda that is ruling this world today were women ought to be strong and independent. Being feminine, taking care of your husband, your children, your home or other people shouldn't be so tabu, what if we christian women can make a change, bringing the Biblical woman back into the order that God has ordained.

Viktoria and the start of little cup of blessings

Hi, my name is Viktoria and I'm the one behind "little cup of blessings".

It all started a few years ago when I started an Instagram account with the same name, it was like a free-zone where I could share about my thought being a homesteading wife, about biblical womanhood and the struggles in society when you choose that way (at least here in Sweden). The last years I also started an account in Swedish with almost the same subject but the last year I also got back to the English account, starting a YouTube channel and being more eager than ever to really but more effort into this. 

Image by Thought Catalog


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